Disaster Management & Capacity Strengthening Plan of ETSC Nepal


The Disaster Management Capacity Assessment Tool (DMCA) has been adapted from the Strategic Humanitarian Assessment & Participatory Empowerment Framework (SHAPE) which has been successfully implemented in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, DRC, Kenya and Pakistan where Tearfund were the lead agency. An in-depth 2-year programme of support for local organisations to strengthen their capacity to determine, influence and deliver humanitarian preparedness and response; by engaging in strengthening at both the structural and programmatic levels.



A part of Tearfund’s ‘shifting the power’ initiative.Adapted from SHAPE: Strategic Humanitarian Assessment & Participatory Empowerment Framework. A toolkit to help assess organizational capacity and carry out capacity building plans. A two-year capacity building program.

ETSC Board, Staff & Volunteers gone through learning session to address DRR issues