Community Health First will deliver support to the most disadvantaged women and children by:-
- Increasing knowledge of maternal and child health. We will establish 25 Women’s Health Committees (WHC) per year for three years, who, supported by a Men’s Support Group (MSG), will each develop and oversee a health and literacy education programme for women and adolescent girls in their ward.
- Enabling women to generate income and joint savings schemes to pay for safer health practices. We will develop a business skills and savings skills toolkit to help local women transform their subsistence activities into small scale income generating ones. We will also provide technical support such as growing specialist crops.
- Lobbying for improvements in mother and child health services. Nine Maternal Health Committees, made up of men and women, will lobby for improvements in mother and child health services through government medical centres, health posts and Sub Health Posts. Collectively they will lobby national government for improvement sin long term sustainable mother and child health.

ETSC Nepal
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