This project aims to contribute towards safe and peaceful living of individuals and families in communities characterized by social justice, security and free from all kinds of violence. To achieve this, it is important to address the vulnerability of the poor and marginalized people and build their agency to counter human trafficking. As such this project intends to bring about changes in four key areas: access to and use of information, employment/entrepreneurship, and education opportunities, address the domestic violence, and coordination and collaboration among anti human trafficking allies.
Project has also planned to publish IEC materials that include awareness about trafficker’s technique through social media, youtube, facebook, messengers, what Sapp etc.. ETSC handbook training manual was prepared under the related expertise. During the development of manual consultant had interaction with community people, community mobilizers and other likeminded person with their knowledge and experience. ETSC Nepal has related projects need assessment and baseline report.
Project has its beneficiary’s selection criteria based on survey report. The involved participants as beneficiaries are considered their background context (girls education, domestic violence, early marriage, stigma for trafficking survivors).
Self-help groups (SHG) groups are mostly informal groups whose members pool savings and re-lend within the group on rotational or need basis. These groups have a common perception of need and impulse towards collective action. Many of these groups will form around specific production activity, promoted savings among members, including consumption needs. Self-help group consists of both men and women being an effective medium for community involvement in developmental activities can be powerful tool for alleviating poverty through the empowerment of women and men both, by freeing themselves from the clutches of moneylenders. People’s participation in credit delivery and recovery and linking of formal credit institution to borrows through SHGs have been recognized as supplementary mechanisms for providing credit support to the church members and community members i.e.,SHG members both men and women. The SHGs are informal groups formed voluntary basis, for providing the necessary support to their members for their local and economic emancipation.
These groups are distinct from co-operative societies, mainly in terms of their size, homogeneity, and functions. ETSC Nepal will play an important role in preparing the members by changing their attitude to participate in group activities. ETSC Nepal is pioneer in conceptualizing and implementing the concept of SHG through the pilot projects in the project implementing area.
Hence, this project another objective is to improve the socio-economic status of the church members and community people in the target area where ETSC Nepal is working.
The project results are directed towards vulnerable people particularly women, men and girls. As such the system which upholds gender inequality practices will be affected to create equality. Specifically, the outcome related to domestic violence is achieved only by addressing discrimination based on biological gender, age or caste/ethnicity. Similarly enabling boys and girls to access safe learning environment provide equal opportunity of participation for both boys and girls. Moreover, gender perspectives will also be considered in the implementation and monitoring of the project.
Time: May 2020-April 2022 (3 years)
Project Implementing Area:
Manahari Rural Municiplaity wards; 3,4,5, 6
Bakaiya Rural Municipality wards; 4,6,7,8,11, 12
Hetauda sub metro polytan city wards: 14,16, 19
Key Activities:
- Identify possible Individuals for entrepreneur from most vulnerable HH’s
- Skill development training on Goat rearing, vegetable farming, poultry farming, and small shop.
- Livelihood business materials support
- Technical support and monitoring for production
- Self Help Group (SHG) forming
- Seed money distribution for saving and credit in SHG
- Skills supports in account management and record keeping in SHG’s
- Office accessories support for SHG’s
- Participatory Planning Process (PPP) training to 20 SHG’s facilitators.
- Transforming Masculinity (TM) leadership workshop
- Transforming Masculinity (TM) ToT
- Transforming Masculinity (TM) dialogue
- Leadership skills support onCCT modules to local facilitators.
- Orientation to school students on AHT and violence
- AHT group learning sessions among the women Self Self Group (SHG), Men support groups and adolescence groups.
ETSC Nepal is pioneer in conceptualizing and implementing the concept of SHG through the pilot projects in this SAHAYATRA projects in Makwanpur district. Hence, this project another objective is to improve the socio-economic status of the vulnerable women and community people in the target area.

ETSC Nepal
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- Tel 977-57-523375
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