


Local churches are involving in Sangasangai learning process. Objectively, this has two-coin side of impact one is church itself has to empower within the vision and mission to promote care of communities around them.

 And next is taking leadership to solve the communities’ issues. In this regard, churches are likely to sustainable local institution they remain in the communities. The church empowerment and capacity make happen the desired change that communities have planned. Enhancing the capacities of the local churches will be more valuable to sustain local communities’ development. Bakaiya Christian community has communicated for conducting SS process in local churches. This Christian society organized three level thinking theology meetings. Manahari Christian society organized a meeting on thinking theology about integral mission. In these areas Christian society organized local churches to participate in these sessions. Bakaiya Christian society take initiation for Sangasangai process and recommended for Sangasangai facilitators. Sangasangai church pastors participated in orientation of SS and its few sessions too. Local church pastors are providing and involving into organized and managed all self-help groups. In addition to this church’s pastors a d leaders involve in AHT and SGBV reduction aware behavior. Local church pastors are envisioned on transforming masculinity and their TM facilitators are providing gender equality and against sexual violence for male and female groups. It’s sole aim is to propagate gender equity message through six week community dialogue in their respective areas. As well as 24 churches leaders from Bakaiaya and Hetauda received concept develop orientation against anti human trafficking.

SS Training

Local SS implementing churches are engaging to work for church and community transformation.


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